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How to cancel sending an email with Gmail

Google has seen fit to introduce a "lifesaver" tool for all distracted users that they need to recover after having sent an email by mistake.

Gmail, the popular email service in the world, allows you to do cancel sent email with Gmail. Follow our instructions and you'll discover how to enable, hidden between the settings and still unknown to many patrons of the network, this option.
cancel sent email gmail
It has happened to everyone at least once in their digital lives, to ask that question. And almost always with a great deal of panic. For example, you were sending an important email to your head and you accidentally pressed "Submit" before it was ready, or it was sent to a wrong recipient, or the recipient was right but the information was wrong, sometimes you may need to cancel sending an email, making sure that the recipient does not see it ever.

How to cancel an email sent with Gmail?

How do you cancel sending an email? If you're using Gmail, it is a relatively simple thing to do. Big G. has introduced a new feature in Gmail that allows you to retrieve the mail before it gets to the recipient, remove from the server where your email is stationed before being delivered to the indicated address. To enable the cancellation of sending just do this:
Gmail> Settings> General> Enable cancels sending
Once you checked the "Enable Undo Send" you will be able to customize the time during which you may cancel sending the email. It ranges from a minimum of 5 seconds to a maximum of 30. After saving the new settings (by pressing the "Save Changes" at the bottom of page) function is enabled correctly.

From this point on, every time you send an email you will see a warning at the top of the page: "The message has been sent - Cancel - View Post». Pressing Cancel will return the message to open on your desktop, ready to be edited and deleted.
The message "Your message has been sent - Cancel - View Message" will be displayed for the time you have specified in the settings (from 5 to 30 seconds). If you do not take the ball, your mail will be finally delivered to the recipient.
Source: Gmail Help Google.


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